Monday, February 20, 2012

5.4 Pesticides and biological control

5.4 understand the reasons for pest control and the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and biological control with crop plants.

a) Pesticides 
Monocultrue: Where there are large fields of crops all of the same type

Monoculture --------> Pests crop food sources

This reduces productivity of farming. Loss of food and money.

Pesticides are chemicals which re designed to kill pests.

Chemicals are easy to obtain
They are easy to apply
3. Very effective

1. Toxic (will kill other plants and animals and harmful to humans)
2. Bio-accumulation (the pesticide builds up through the food chain cause problems for other animals)
3. Mutation in the pest often leads to resistance, meaning the concentration has to be constantly added till it no longer works and needs to be replaced.

B) Biological control

Biological control is a way of reducing the population of a pest without using pesticides.
Another alien species has to be brought in that is higher in the food chain, to reduce the numbers of the population of the plant or animal

1. Not toxic
2. Smaller impact on life

1. Doesn't always work
2. Hard to control
3. The alien species could become unwanted

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