Monday, August 22, 2011

Sexual and Asexual reproduction

3.1 Describe the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction

Organisms that show sexual reproduction show sexes which helps us identify a male and a female.
In Asexual reproduction there are NO sexes.

Sexually reproducing organisms produce cells called Gametes, which tend to form in the Male (Sperm cell) and in the female (egg cell)
Asexually reproducing organisms, don't have Gametes.

The type of cell division that produces Gametes is called meiosis which has a number of effects. One of these effects is to half the total adult number of chromosomes in the Gamete cell. In Humans the total number of chromosomes is 46 per cell but in gametes the total is 23. Going from 46 down to 23 during reproduction is the process of meiosis
In Asexual producing populations there is no meiosis but there is mitosis in ucariotic (how do you spell?) cells and binary fissim procariotic (How do you spell?) bacterial cells. In this process the number of chromosomes is maintained constant (eg. a cell with 20 chromosomes is divided into two cells which 20 chromosomes. These 2 cells are identical.

In sexually reproducing population you find the process of fertilization. In which gamete cells fuse together (Male and female)
In asexual reproduction there is no fusing and no fertilization.

In the population of sexual reproducing organisms you find variation (differences). It is broad.
In asexual reproducing population, there is a very small variation in the population which is mainly because of mutation. Otherwise they are identical. This is known as a clone.

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