Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Source: http://frazerbiology.blogspot.com/2011/06/414-enhanced-greenhouse-effect.html

4.14 The Enhanced Greenhouse effect.

4.14 understand how an increase in greenhouse gases results in an enhanced greenhouse effect and 
that this may lead to global warming and its consequences.

Pollution of Carbon dioxide, Methane and Water vapour (all greenhouse gases)
if the concentration of these increase in the atmosphere the Infra-red light will be re-emited backwaards towards the surface of earth, rather than escaping back into deep space. This will raise the average global temperature which is referred to as Global warming/

The Melting of Icecaps.... raised sea levels... changing ocean currents and winds
Ultimately ... Climate change.
this will result in the worlds Biome distribution changing... Deserts expanding etc.

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