Monday, November 7, 2011

Nephron Structure

2.70 describe the structure of a nephron, to include Bowman's capsule and glomerulus, convoluted tubules, loop of Henle and collecting duct.

The outer lighter colored region is known as the cortex.

The darker inner region is the medulla.

In the middle, there is a space called the pelvic region. this is where the urine collects and drains down the ureter.

The different colours are cause by the millions of tubular structures in the kidney.

The tube starts on the edge of the medulla and moves directly upwards and out into the cortex. It then winds before dipping down into the medulla and then back up and then another short twisted section before hitting a dead end.

The "dead end" is called the bowman's capsule.

The tubular structure is known as the Nephron.

The tube is made up of twisted sections known as the convoluted tubules. The tube going through the cortex and medulla is known as the collecting duct.

The loop knot of blood vessels is known as the Glomerulous.

The first twisted section is know as the proximal (DCT)

There are millions of these Nephrons in a single kidney.

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